Old 03-12-2015, 02:39 PM
Super Member
Join Date: Aug 2011
Location: Texas
Posts: 3,667

I can't say what I'd like to here, because I don't want to be booted off this board which I love.
But I do want to say, why are you letting someone else run your life, my sweet friend?? One person does NOT speak for everyone. None of us are that important...not even moi .
Sorry, but that's just the way it is...

I feel like I'm being punished if I'm not allowed to send my friends, including you Brat, a lil special surprise every now and then. So please don't ask me to not send you anything. Just please, don't. I'm not rich, I'm probably not even middle class...But by the grace of God, I've got what I need.

This includes one of my joys in life: this board. And the wonderful friends I've made here. And sometimes I send lil gifts, sometimes I receive them. So it works out. If I couldn't afford to send, or didn't WANT to send, I wouldn't. Plain and simple. And I don't think a thing of it if someone can't send things. That's not the point of ANY of this for me.

This last month, I myself have received several "angel" pkgs. Most of you know about my hubby and his being in the hospital. I don't know how words can express what the pkgs I've received have meant to me...including the cards, too. And the pms...

My lil granddaughter often stops by, when they come over, she brings in my mail. If there's any type of pkg, she brings it right to me and says, "Here's your CARE pkg Grammy!". Mind you she chose that word. Out of the mouths of babes. And she's right. They're pkgs full of "care". So much more special than ANY fabric!!

I'm sorry (well not really) but I'm not about to ask anyone to not send me something. Nope, not doing it. Matter of fact, I hope I get more pkgs! Because that shows I have friends.. ME! I have friends!!
What a lucky gal I am!!

I'll hush for now. But please know I waited a long time to be able to do stuff without asking permission from my Mom (insert cute humorous grin here), and if I want to send something to "someone", I'm sending it. And if "someone" refuses it, I shall be more than hurt...way more than hurt...Plus I'll have to find somewhere to put back whatever it is I sent. Not good...as I'm trying to keep the "Hoarders, Buried Alive" producers at bay. Don't make me be on that show...


Last edited by kiffie2413; 03-12-2015 at 02:47 PM.
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