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Old 01-10-2010, 04:16 AM
Up North
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: North East Lower peninsula of Michigan
Posts: 6,231

Originally Posted by sunkistmi
Donna, does FlyLady have a site? I gather from your comment she does but how do I get to it to see her system. I too am not great in the follow thru area but would desperately like to change. I have to get my room at least emptied out to see how the tables I bought will fit because the 90 day return period expires 1/19. I'm cutting it pretty close since I'm supposed to go with DH to a class over in Grand Rapids Tues evening thru Friday. Plus I've GOT to finish this little quilt for a swap. It has been so fun to read what everyone is doing. I actually WANT to get started. I think it would take me 15 minutes to get from one side of the room to the other. Once I get going, it should be better, I just have to START!!!!!

Rosie, I agree with you. There is no way I can post my before pictures, even though it looks lots better than it did. For me, it has to do with a little five letter word, SHAME. How did I ever let it get that way? I don't really know any of you all personally but I have it in my head that no one could possibly like me if they knew what it was really like. I admire each and every one of you that has posted their 'before' pictures. They give me courage!

Hope everyone has a great rest of the weekend.

Don;t be afraid to post the before picture, I felt shame too but once I posted I sure got busy and fixed the room up so I could post the after pictures. I think most of us make a huge mess when we are involved in a project. Right now I am making a log cabin Quilt, that is 8 fabrics laying out, lots of strips and scraps are hitting the floor, but because I cleaned up before I started it will be easier to put things away when I am done
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