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Old 01-10-2010, 05:28 AM
Junior Member
Join Date: Aug 2009
Location: ontario, canada
Posts: 126

cutebuns thank your for sharing your experience. i also work for wal-mart, in my 15 th year. 12 of them in fabrics. i have done most of the jobs you described. i love my job. you said it much better than i could. yes the customer is always right. but there has to be a but. please everyone walk a mile in our shoes. we have very little say in the quality of the fabric, or the service coverage of the store. i try to give the best customer service i can. sorry i can not cut keys, mix paint and cut fabric all at the same time. when waiting on customers i do not answer the phone or paiges. i give you my undivided attention. i take customers and calls in order. please don't answer your cell phone when i am waiting on you. don't ring my bell and when i get to the counter you are still figuring out how much you want. yes if you need my help to figure it out that is fine. please don't let your children destroy the place and tell them that is my job, that is what we get paid to do. and shopping by phone, sometimes i am from one side of the store to the other. if you must call please ask all the questions you want to know at one time (price, size, how many we have, colors) etc., so we don't have to walk miles. also it would be very helpful if you have the measurements for your window, quilt top or what ever you are making. as you know everyone sews differently. the question of how much fabric do i need to make (???) but i don't want tooo much always makes me smile, well at least on the outside. sorry for the long post. believe it or not i really do like my job.
one more thing the term wally world sends chills up my spine, we do have a name wal-mart.
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