Thread: If you...
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Old 03-24-2015, 04:07 AM
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Join Date: Nov 2014
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I remember most of those, didn't have some of them (hee haw?? LOL)

I remember on weekends and all summer being kicked out of the house at 7 am to go play, and not being allowed to come in unless you had to go to the bathroom or were hungry

I remember making my own "playdates" and not having them arranged for me

I remember when I bugged the neighbour's dog and it snapped at me, it was me that got in heck, and not the dog!

I remember walking about 3 miles from home to the woods (not very big woods in retrospect LOL) at 10 years old with my younger sister to pick blackberries - ALONE! (gasp!)

I remember, as the oldest sister, being the responsible one at 9 years old, and wearing the house key around my neck, and having to babysit my sister for three hours before anyone came home from work

I remember when EVERYONE ate peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for lunch

I remember riding my bike with my sister sitting on the handle bars and telling me when to turn

I remember pulling tar off the road in hot summer days and telling my sister is was gum (yes, she chewed on it for a bit!)

I remember mud pies, drinking from the hose, sitting on my dad's lap to drive the car, hanging our heads out the window in the car to count the lines on the road as my dad drove slow!

I also remember asking my mom and dad one too many times if we were there yet, and they actually stopped the car and told me to get out and drove away LOL (they drove around the block and came to get me ... I quit asking after that one!)

Those were such wonderful times and while our parents might have seemed harsh, compared to today's standards, it seems to me that people in their 40s, 50s and 60s and up are so much more polite, friendly, willing to lend a helping hand and just plain better people!!!!!
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