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Old 01-10-2010, 10:45 AM
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Originally Posted by Debra Mc
My DD worked for a western wear store for many years. She learned to tidy up the shelves & fold shirts. When she goes to a retail store even now if she takes it off the shelf, she refolds stuff & always puts it back in the right place. It bugs the devil out of me for people to leave a whole ham in housewares or ice cream all the way across the store. Know what happens to this stuff, it is usually thrown in the trash. I do shop there because the other chain grocery stores are almost twice as much in price & I don't have a lot of time to run around all over town or money. I have many friends that work for Walmart & I do appreciate what they do for me.
It would never occur to me to put something down on a shelf where it doesn't belong just because I changed my mind and didn't want it. I can't imagine doing that with something that is perishable!!! :shock: Yes, I can easily see where customers can be a pain in the butt. I worked as a waitress for many years and I can't begin to tell you the frustrations I've had putting up with people who shouldn't be allowed out in public, much less out with their bratty children. Yet, the customer NEVER knew how I felt, even when I had to work and miss my FIL's funeral. Trust me, we were close and I loved him dearly and was a complete wreck - but the customers never realized it! I think both snarky customers and snarky employees should shape up and learn to behave as a grown up and not like some whiney four year old who always has to have their own way and can't treat others with respect. Actually, my apologies for slamming 4 year olds since I know some of them (my own children) who behave much better than many adults. Sadly, I don't think the attitude in this country is going to improve any, though I don't let that stop me from being a decent human being to those I come in contact with. Like many others though, I do get tired of being treated poorly by those employees of places I shop at and I think if more people were fired for their cruddy attitudes it might do a lot to change the industry. I don't think it'll happen, but I can dream.

Alias - As for the lady who treated your daughter so poorly...she is obviously a thoughtless person and no amount of reasoning will work with those types of people. I'm sorry your daughter had to experience that, but at the same time she got the opportunity to learn from you how to handle such crummy people and that has to count for something. And my sympathy on what you both experienced and went through. 9-11 was horrible and very tragic and my heart goes out to you both!
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