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Old 01-10-2010, 11:25 AM
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Originally Posted by Tiffany
Originally Posted by aliaslaceygreen
Yet, the customer NEVER knew how I felt, even when I had to work and miss my FIL's funeral. Trust me, we were close and I loved him dearly and was a complete wreck - but the customers never realized it!
Dear friend... I can't imagine that you couldn't go to your FIL funeral. There have to have been some serious circumstances or horrid work conditions/fellow employees to not have worked something out.

There are limits to what I am willing to do to keep my job, and missing out on a family funeral? well, that would be the line...

Thank you for your kind words. My DD is definitely one of my favorite employees, ever. She WORKS her tush off. She may have a bit of a (NY) attitude, lol.... its hard outside NY to be understood...the difference between being harsh and simply telling it like it is, is sometimes a fine line...
I live in Idaho and my FIL lived in California, so it wasn't just a matter of taking a single day off and at the time we absolutely could not survive without my income. It is something I deeply regret and yet I couldn't do anything about it so I try not to let it bother me. Since then we've moved my MIL up here, along with my SIL and my youngest DH. Now my SIL has been layed off and we're desperately trying to find him a job up here so that my oldest DH and my grandson can move up here. (Prayers welcome!!) Once they are here I will be completely happy and I won't ever have to worry about missing out on family again.

I have never lived in NY but I certainly understand the attitude of telling it like it is. I've been accused to being "too blunt" quite a number of times. :P I appreciate truthfulness, as long as it is told to me without an attitude going along with it.
OK, Tiffany, I feel a bit better for knowing all your circumstance... I am nosy, and always want what is RIGHT!!! (my store manager calls me argumentative but, really I am realistic...)
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