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Old 03-27-2015, 05:24 AM
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Join Date: Jun 2012
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Originally Posted by meyert View Post
Personally, I have to do it... something in me just always wants to be working on something.
This is me, 100%. It's not always quilting, but it's always *something*. I have a lot of various hobbies and art projects I like to work on them, but quilting is one of my favorite simply because once I'm done with my art, I can have something in my hands that is so much more useful than most of the other things I create.

For me, giving quilts to charity is an excuse to make more quilts. It's less that I'm making quilts FOR charity; it's more that I'm making the quilts for ME, but once they're made I don't need to keep them and the charity happens to benefit from that. (And I do feel good about donating, but if I didn't enjoy making the quilts in the first place I wouldn't be making them just to be donating them; I'd donate cash or something else.) Quilts I make for family and friends are a little more special because I try to really tailor the quilt to the individual, but even so...I wouldn't do it if I didn't enjoy it.
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