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Old 03-27-2015, 05:38 PM
Super Member
Join Date: Jun 2012
Location: Sonoma County, CA
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I think my current setup is actually really good. I have a SewPerfect table with my Janome 6600 set into it. Behind that I have a long table from IKEA set to the same height. To my left I have another IKEA table making an "L" shape. I bought 4 large teflon baking mats that I've taped down so most of my immediate sewing surface is slippery. My design wall is the large wall behind me. To my right I have a table up on bed risers that's my ironing surface, and behind that (with an aisle space between) is my cutting table. The table to my left has rubbermaid drawer units underneath for storage, and I have a little low table to my right, tucked below the raised-up ironing table, that holds cups and jars for all my stilettos and snips and bobbins and thread for my current project, some post-it notes, etc.

I fussed with it a lot before I settled on this configuration and I'm very happy with it.

There's a space gap I'd like to fill in where the tables all meet; a piece of plexi would do the trick but I've been lazy about getting one cut. And I need better general overhead lighting.

But other than that, I like what I have now very much.
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