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Old 03-28-2015, 10:04 AM
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I love the fresh colors of your scrappy quilt! Crisp points and I do like the meandering.

If it takes me a long time, which it probably will, to get good enough to like my own quilting, it's okay. I need to push myself to do things that make me better, no matter what it is. GEtting better brings a joy of its own. If I DO, however, give it a year and still hate the quilting, I might then start sending them out to someone who will gladly do it for a price.

The delight of the recipient makes it ALL worth it, no matter how we choose to finish the thing, right?

Originally Posted by Little RoO View Post
Hi....I think I was very like you a while ago, the first large quilt top (70 x 70 inchs) I made was for my daughter as an 18th birthday did not get sandwiched and quilted until she was 23 !...she is now 28.
My issue was that it just all seemed too did I get the wadding and backing to be straight and smooth and how on earth do I get all that fabric through a domestic the end I watched loads of tutorials on you tube and decided I needed to take the plunge otherwise it would never come out of the carrier bag where it lived !
The delight from my daughter made it so worth was certainly not perfect...not even really good, but the quilt is still intact and is still in constant use, and she loves it.
After doing that quilt it gave me confidence that I could do it..but it took time....I now love it all.
I have found a really easy way to sandwich quilts using my dining table and large clips from a DIY store and I love FMQ....still mainly do meandering, but I get the best feeling when I finish my quilts and I can say I did it all....every bit, including all the mistakes and there are always many of them !
I have upgraded my machine and now have the Janome 7700 ( bought second hand )with a much larger throat and it certainly is easier.
I hope that one day you too will love just might take time...for me as I said earlier it was 5 years.
Good luck.

Picture is of my latest quilt..finished this week.
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