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Old 03-30-2015, 05:50 AM
feline fanatic
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Join Date: May 2009
Location: NY
Posts: 10,590

I bought my LA for multiple reasons:

1. Prior, I was a hand quilter. It took me way to long to complete a quilt and I have way to many quilts I want to make.
2. My initial attempts at FMQ on my domestic were not fun and not good. I was constantly tensed up and my motion was herky jerky
3. I hate making the quilt sandwich with a white hot passion. Frame quilting eliminates that step. YAY.
4. I took a class to rent time on a LA and I loved it but also realized very quickly to get good at it I needed the practice time and I wasn't going to get that renting one.
5. While Carolyn MT does bring up some valid points, I have the big boy toy as well (my Harley Road King) so I did feel the need to justify the purchase. And yes a large LA setup inclusive of rack and stitch regulator runs almost as much as a HD Sportster motorcycle. Add robotics (which I don't have) it can quickly approach the cost of a new SUV!
6. I justified the purchase thinking I could supplement my retirement quilting for others.

As far as quilting for others being too much like work, well that all depends on your passion for it. Confucius said, and this is paraphrased, "if you love what you do you will never have to work a day in your life". While I have gotten some challenging quilts I have never felt it was like work. I love looking at other peoples interpretations of patchwork and color. I consider myself very lucky that I get to see so many different styles of quilting and so many beautiful quilts. As long as I allow ample time for your own projects I never feel like I have ruined my hobby by making it too much like work. And I have gained valuable experience by working on other peoples quilts. I still work full time at a "day job" so I may feel differently when I retire and am devoting more time to quilting. As for me, I love quilting for other people, I guess because I love quilting. I have made some great friends and gotten to stare at some drop dead gorgeous quilts and had a hand in helping to make them even prettier.
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