Old 04-03-2015, 07:59 AM
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Location: Cody, Wyoming
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Now Lynnie lol not everyone is speedy Gonzalez like you and Jaba! they will start trickling in I am sure soon enough. Please remember to post a pic when you receive them and hey if you want to take a picture of fabrics your using or a corner of your work as your going we love the tease!

I am so glad that Rosemary is starting to receive those cards. I know the road to recovery for her will be a slow one and a hard one.

I have been working with ctyankee to come up with finalized plan for next months swap. Since this one was a mix of those who made them for their partners as they chose and those who are waiting to hear what some want that next month will be our first swap that its a dead set deal either one or the other. so watch for it and read the rules when we finally get to posting it. It will be iron clad at that point. sometimes just half a year you will need to wait to find out what your partner is hoping for other months will be what you want to make with the theme. so wonder away at what the first month of this new and improved way to make sure everyone is happy tada! its only so much work you think dividing up partners but even with only 20 or 30 sign ups its a lot more work than you think. some say I do not want this I want only this others say I don't care others say I sure would like this. and well it is hard making everyone happy. We aim to please but somewhere along the way someone is going to be unhappy. This month we had 36 sign ups, Jan for Valentines day we had 42. so its not just dividing up the names. I did not give ctyankee the list of last months because its truly going to be better and easier for her just to put them in a jar and divide as they come out period. no more special requests. no I want only good quilters. that cant be done. its share and share alike here. sometimes you will get the same partner twice in a row. I am sorry for this. it just is the luck of the draw. the upside is I think that it cant possibly happen three times in a row. if that does show up we will put both the names back in the old jar (or bowl) and repull so you don't have the same experience each and every month. doubt that is possible but my luck it would happen monthly! (I am not so lucky). Please not its not done by preference. I don't want this person or that doesn't work around here. We are an equal opportunity playing community here at the quilting board. Rules state clearly that everyone is allowed to play and the board members go with this as the rule. if a person sends, does what they are asked to go no matter what their learning skill set is they are good standing players. so if you know someone needs help teach them! show them step by step how do to something. if you need help doing this ask either ctyankee or me to help them work with fabrics. people can only get better. no one can learn without trial and error, without being helped along the way. I know. I was there. I would sew for hours and then couldn't even remember how to put a bobbin in. hello I had been using the machine all day now I don't know how to do this? something so very simple was lost to me. couldn't sew a 1/4inch seam for the life of me. received one day a 1/4 foot in the mail. omg life saver. my friends here helped me learn all over again. I am ever grateful for Jaba, Marytoddliz and themamahauser for giving me their time, friendship and knowledge .. over and over and over again. finally.. it stuck. omg! so you see have faith. trust that your help matters. it is appreciated. I was never hurt by the help and often so embarrassed to ask the same question over and over. its not fun trust me. but then it stuck. I am scared to death to have surgery again and end up back at square one but I do know I have help here if I only ask. Please ASK if you need help. if you truly want to do better ask for it. ok mom here is getting off her band stand. sorry but it needed to be shared with the group. please talk to me or ctyankee for help. and any other board member who can assist ask them!!!
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