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Old 04-12-2015, 03:41 AM
Junior Member
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: Indiana
Posts: 185

Here's one way to get through the day without eating too much: I started to clean out one kitchen cupboard and before you knew it, I had most everything out of a whole bunch of cupboards! You know how it goes...while I have everything out I might as well put in new shelf liner, should really wash the glassware that doesn't get used ofter, then might as well reorganize all this stuff...start a pile for trash, pile for Goodwill, pile for sons to check and see if they never ends. Not only did this keep me so busy that I didn't eat a lot, BUT with all the counters full of stuff I really couldn't cook anything either! I'm still working on it today, so it really did take up about 3 days!
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