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Old 04-12-2015, 09:28 AM
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Celandine......How wonderful. Oh I hope you get the house. Nothing like having your very own place that is all yours.
Well, yesterday we spent from 9 to 2 making opportunity baskets for your tea that is coming up on the 25th. I don't know how many of you belong to guilds or any organization and get shanghied into organizing a huge project like I did. Mine was by default because the chair person had her cancer come back in a huge vengence and so I was the helper and so I was pushed into being in charge. YIKES. Getting people to help in our guilds is like sitting in a closet and whispering help. NO ONE will volunteer. They all are really good and advising me to get "someone" to do this and "someone" to do that. I would say, what a great idea, could you be that someone and do this. I would get answers like, oh I am too busy, or No, or I am sure you can find someone. Even the Board, who several have said tell me what you need and I will do it. I tell them and they don't do it. Or maybe they figure who ever Someone is will do it. So I have a new name....SomeONE. Yeah, I had to go and get all the stuff to put the baskets together and even spent money to add to the baskets. We put in our newsletter over the last four months, items we need and not one comes to me. Yesterday as we are doing the baskets, I have a board member text me and ask if I still need the wine glasses. For heaven sakes, I already went and bought them. waiting until the day we are doing the baskets doesn't work for me. I have asked people to go to the local quilt shops to put signs up and to get items from them. NO ONE. I have had to do that to. One person who lives near one of the shops said she would go.....I gave her all the tax papers, etc. She still has not done it. But she also has a lot of ideas to tell me what I should do. So that said, just wondering if any of you have experienced this or is it just my crazy guild. Our baskets are done......they are out of my house.......I have my guest room back. One weight off my shoulders. Next is deciding which quilts will be live auction (we have almost 50) and which will be silent auction. Then the actual tea set up on the 24. I think by the 25th I will be in a strait jacket in the loony bin and will totally miss the tea. LOL We hired a company to set up the quilts on their walls and to cater the event. We do a full English tea luncheon.
I will need a big vacation when this is done. My vacation will be just sewing on my own projects, like our blocks here. I can't wait. I have not had much time for any of that and I sure do miss it. I love seeing you all posting the blocks that you have made on here. It makes me antsy to get started.
Plus to add to this.......I was given the dubious honor of taking our opportunity quilt around to the different quilt guilds. That has been fun and I have a really fantastic friend that goes with me. She is awesome on setting up our table to look so neat and selling the tickets. I will have three of those before the tea. Quilt is not being given away until June. Trying to get others to take this puppy around is another pulling teeth experience. The up side is that I get to see how other quilds work and that has been such a great experience. Also, one of the guilds will have a Quilt board member at it and I will get to meet her. jclingandrey

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