Old 04-13-2015, 11:54 AM
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Join Date: Oct 2013
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Originally Posted by gale
How long have you had the mat? I had to leave my martelli rotating mat in the garage for about 2 weeks. It was so stinky. I'm very sensitive to smells so I can't deal with a smelly mat in my sewing room.
I've had it a couple weeks. I soaked it in vinegar when I first got it and then put it outside. Then left it in another room for awhile. It finally got to the point I could stand to have it in the same room. I thought it was going to behave. I hadn't used it though. So today I started trimming on it. My throat started to feel funny and my eyes were watering. I thought allergies. Then I left the room and came back. What a stench! Can't imagine what's in these things!!!
Fortunately the receipt is hanging on my wall.
I, too, am sensitive to smells. But anyone would mind these mats.
I love what you can do with it. But not if it keeps stinking. It's going back to HL if it doesn't get it's act together.
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