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Old 03-19-2007, 09:04 PM
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When I saw you were from Humbolt County, I knew exactly where it was and (still) wish I was there!

The Redwoods are my favorite trees and there's just no comparing the beauty and peace I feel when I'm walking in or even driving through those beauties!

My dream home would be right in the middle of them with huge windows so I could feel like I'm actually in them.

(Unfortunatly, I am a comfort-seeking type human and would rather be in a temperature controlled place. That's where my dream comes in.) :)

The first time I remember experiencing the redwoods was when I was quite young (single digit age) and was at Muir Woods National Monument, north of San Francisco, (my brain is empty right now and I can't tell if my spelling, grammar, etc. is right or not), and there's a few places between here and Santa Cruz that's a little easier to get to.

For those who don't know, let me educate you a little about this fabulous tree!

The Coast Redwood is one of three species of trees known as redwoods. It is an evergreen, long-lived, tree living for up to 2,000 years, and is commonly considered the tallest tree in the world, reaching up to 115.5 m (378 ft) in height and 7 m (23 ft) diameter at the base. Look up Redwood in Google (image) or whatever and you can get a little taste.

Getting back to you, Yvonne, I am in total agreement with Miranda! Teachers, in general should be admired and respected. I am greatful the teachers I had and wish there was more we could do for these "heros".

As this reply to this particular message is months after you originally posted it, I've been able to see some of your projects (beautiful) and appreciate your humor. I'm so glad you're a part of this "family".

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