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Old 04-18-2015, 07:53 PM
Join Date: Apr 2015
Posts: 4

Originally Posted by Daisy Dew
Sweet Charlie! I had my Llasa for almost 18 years she was amazing I always said she didn't know she was short! Llasas are a dominate breed if you aren't in charge they will be! You gave a big hint - he keeps them away from me - that says to me he is owning you - be careful. I suggest you read up on this breed they are so loyal and sweet but they will take over 1st the cat then people. You've got your self a beautiful little dog I hope you have a wonderful life together. (I remember Daisy).
I do agree with Daisy Dew. I have two Llasas. One from puppy the other we adopted at 4 yrs. They do have an attitude when sleepy. Georgie has nipped at my husband when he tried to move him when he was asleep. Read up on the breed. They were bred to be watch dogs. Mine at 13 and 14 years old take that job seriously. So much so Georgie usually only barks inside while Murphy barks outside. They have the place covered. They only bark when someone or something is out of place. We tell Georgie someone is "coming" and he will stay at the front window and tell us when the person arrives. Ours seem to belong to one person. My husband is Georgie's favorite and Murphy likes me. Hope that helps.
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