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Old 04-23-2015, 09:05 AM
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Originally Posted by mirish2 View Post
Follow the advice of feline fanatic. Take a class, rent one, go to shows and consider how much space you have for a machine. You need room to move around the machine as you load and quilt.
Very good idea! The last thing you need is a big white elephant taking up space. Also just because many of us like a long arm it doesn't mean it is everyone's dream. You can get many quilts quilted for the cost of a long arm. I also found out I do not like long arm quilting as much as piecing, appliqueing and designing. I do like long arm quilting way above sitting on my regular sewing machine and trying to quilt, especially anything bigger then a small baby quilt. I make so many quilts it would have been prohibitive trying to do all on a regular sewing machine.
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