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Old 04-29-2015, 09:49 AM
Power Poster
Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: Lowell, MA
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I had a bad torn rotator cuff repaired 2 years ago, and doing the physical therapy is key to getting your mobility back. Right now you are in the recovery phase where you need to be careful what you do so that you do not re-injure the shoulder. I understand your frustration, believe me. I was able to do some things on the computer with my arm resting in the sling, of course it was my right shoulder, my dominant hand. Just do the PT, but don't rush the recovery because it could set you back. Just listen to your Dr. and your therapist, do what they instruct you to do, be patient, and you should find yourself feeling and doing a lot better in a few weeks. I spent some of my recovery time, reorganizing my sewing space, planning projects, assembling the fabric, etc., etc., so that when I was able to sew I could get busy on my projects.
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