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Old 01-11-2010, 08:32 PM
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Join Date: Jul 2009
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I voluntered at a store where everything is free. It was started to help out the community and has been going for over 16 years. Anyway, working with the public is hard and I feel for anyone who has to work with people-it can be fun and it can be a nightmare. Fortunately, most of the experiences I had were fun, and the people for the most part were greatful and glad to be able to "shop" in a free store, but there were some that would make my day just by not coming in!! For example, when we had plumbing problems and had to close the restroom ( people went next door) and someone would walk past the closed signs, and use the bathroom even tho they knew it was closed. This was an adult and I know she could read, but they don't care. Anyway, my point is that we all need to understand what the clerks are going thru and remember that no one is perfect and we can all (and do) get on other people's nerves. I have found that most people respond favorably when you go the extra mile and smile and say something positive.
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