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Old 05-02-2015, 12:47 PM
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Originally Posted by givio
Rosyhf, well you always have the option of sewing the blocks together which ever way you like best. I like the economy block look just as well as the star look. Your background colors are just as pretty as your primary ones! It looks like you have some Kaffe Fasset fabric. I love the rich colors he uses in his designs.
Givio, I like the star effect but might change, will have to see what happens lol. I do have Kaffe and this is just some scraps. I never throw any of his scraps away lol. I imagine I must have about 20 thousand yards of fabric, (hush, don't tell anybody). I have three bookcases inside a closet behind the clothes just packed to the max and all color grouped. A large antiques wardrobe (had shelves put in) and that is full to the max. Then I have a chest of drawers, all full and some in the studio lol....I haven't bought fabric in years, I wouldn't have a place to put more unless it was free and then I would find a way hahahhahah
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