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Old 05-02-2015, 02:36 PM
Jeanette Frantz
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Join Date: May 2012
Location: Florida
Posts: 1,585

Oh my, Tippytoes, congratulations on your renewed motivation. I know exactly how you feel. I am also a self-taught quilter, learned all I know by examining those quilts my grandma did before she passed away. She hand-pieced every one she made, and I'm not doing that. The first quilt I ever did was a crib-size baby quilt made for my niece and her first daughter. It was a Sunbonnet Sue machine applique, and it was NOT easy. Of course, to be fair, I've been sewing all my life -- just not quilts. I hand-quilted the quilt and it's still in as good condition as it was when it was new. I was really proud of that quilt! and my niece cried when I gave it to her! My next big project was the razorback quilt which is pictured in my avatar. I didn't quilt that one, but I hand embroidered it, using solid satin stitch for the "razorback". Keep your motivation going. We all need encouragement from time to time, and those on this board are terriffic with all the help offered! One thing I did learn about and that is fabric that bleeds -- i.e., the red borders on the razorback quilt. I use a dye-setter product and any time I'm working with vibrant colors, I dye-set them, wash them and iron them before I begin cutting! Best wishes with your quilt, because even though you are gifting the quilt, it will always be "yours" in a way!


Last edited by Jeanette Frantz; 05-02-2015 at 02:37 PM. Reason: correcting sme wording
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