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Old 05-03-2015, 07:58 AM
Junior Member
Join Date: Dec 2010
Posts: 227

Thanks for the info and the link to the article. Very interesting and links to some other good info. I had never heard this reasoning.
Originally Posted by cat-on-a-mac View Post
I think the standard answer is that it will wear better. Here's a web page that discusses all the trade-offs: http://www.generations-quilt-pattern...t-binding.html

There are a lot of varying opinions on this. We had a quilt judge that spoke at our guild meeting who said she never used bias, that most people can't get it "right", and it didn't matter. On the other hand, I've always done bias, and have always gotten good comments on my bindings when entered in shows. I like the fact that you can stretch it a little as you sew it down, so it pulls in the edge of the quilt just a hair. If you want to do any curved corners -- like around the bottom two corners of a bed quilt -- the stretch you get from the bias makes that easy to do. ANd if you have lots of curves -- like a scalloped edge -- you pretty much have to use bias binding.
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