Old 05-05-2015, 07:23 AM
Power Poster
Join Date: Jul 2009
Location: Between the dashes of a tombstone
Posts: 12,716

I've missed out on lots of chatter...everyone getting goals accomplished and new ones made.
Carrie..DD will enjoy her quilt..the colors reinforce the modern abstract look.
We'll see what dublb comes up with her allowance buster fabric.
And Honchey hopes to get her Mystery done and plays at work..we should all be so lucky....
Yes, Nina She..how fortunate to be able to get back to sewing..many of us take our eyesight for granted..hope the email went through yesterday..Thanks so much.
I'm trying to get psyched up to clean...being outdoors has left my house in a sorry state..clothes get washed and dried but not folded...dishwasher cleaned but not emptied...oh and cook pans...not to mention unswept floors...you are hearing all my vices when it comes to being a housewife in spring
But.....several beds are weed free for the moment...darn dandelions are out of the asparagus bed with a few spears showing..I should be able to pick the biggest spears this year as it's year three of this new bed..waiting to plant warm weather crops and annual flowers..frost could still happen in my neck of the woods. Have some trimming to do on the trailing roses I planted last spring. Dug up a couple dozen tulips with their buds nipped off by deer....where are the dogs.....now to find a place to put them closer to the house. They were in the bed at end of the lane near our farm sign. The bluebells are in full bloom..Should dig up some more to put under the tree south of the house...that area is my focus this year as I want to plant native grasses further down the slope..it's been a combination of orchard grass (which clumps) and weeds. The slope is too steep and rocky to mow and visible from the road...was a heifers pasture before we built the house 8 years ago.
Weather channel radar shows rain moving across the state all day..no excuse to clean now....I could sew...no must clean. I can't tomorrow. Emily and I are taking a shopping trip for fabric..Gram is going to oversee a dress making project out of knit fabric...we head to the nearest JoAnn's and Hancock's to see what they have..both have 40% sales this week... Have a good one....
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