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Old 05-06-2015, 11:45 AM
Chasing Hawk
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The latest news on Boko James is:

He is quite the character! Around Noon it was time to feed him. My husband is outside with the concrete crew (we are having a concrete pad put in as the carport gets installed, but that is for another thread ). He slyly lets Boko in and yells...."Lunchtime!" Boko gets so excited he runs into the bedroom, then into the living room and I see him. He starts ask if he wants to eat, he heads straight for the kitchen. I get his lunch ready and he barks some more asking me to hurry cause as usual he is starving. He eats, burps then proceeds to get the
I can not recall ever having a dog who burps after every meal.
I play with him for a few minutes, then it's back outside. I have to make him a new jacket already, he is growing out of the one I made a couple weeks ago. And I need to make a new dog collar out of paracord. The collars are easy to make, I can make a few while watching my cooking programs in the evening.
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