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Old 01-12-2010, 07:12 AM
Covered in Threads
Senior Member
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Flagstaff, Arizona
Posts: 375

I have any old Singer, probably close to 20 yrs old.
I do use it for quilting in so many different ways. One is when finishing the edge of a baby quilt. Holds up so much better with all those washings. I use it for clothing of course but my favorite way of using my serger is to quilt as you go.
Simplest way to explain that is if you layer 5 inch strips (whatever length you want) of the backing strip, batting and top, sew all three together up one of the long edges. Now layer the next three strips in this manner. On the unsewn long edge place the backing strip right sides together. On the top layer place the top strips rightfacing each other with the batting on top. Both long edges should match up. Sew down the unsewn long edge. Fold out the second strip row you just added to the first section, press. And repeat. When you have 5 or 6 long strips sewn together sew the last long unfinished edge together. Only the top and bottom edge will be unfinished. This is when you can add binding and finish it up. Hope this was clear, I'm usually better at showing the pieces as we go along.
I love using my serger and to be honest it's my oldest machine. All the others I've upgraded over the years for this reason or that. Borrow a friends or rent one and you will be hooked.
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