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Old 05-10-2015, 12:18 PM
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Join Date: Jul 2014
Posts: 384
Default 2 new machines - the bug bit again...

it's been a while since I've been enthusiastic about antique and vintage machines- it comes in waves I guess! got busy with work and had to start exercising and getting healthier after physical last year but I still love the old machines - get frustrated at the lack of time I have for messing with them and using them - but yesterday I just HAD to unwind and spent the day at an antique store that specializes in the old machines. (not gonna find a huge bargain there for the most part since its how she earns a paycheck!) but I dont have time for a fix er uppers anyways and enjoy talking with her and sometimes something just 'calls' my name. it happened twice yesterday - actually a couple more were whispering but couldnt justify them (well I could have if the checking account ok'd it -which it didn't...) anyways will try to post pics but haven't had much luck.

please ignore the pillow - I havent used this room as a bedroom in years - it's been sorta like storage but now I want to get rid of the kingsize bed and use the wall area for machines and the middle for exercise. was typing this earlier but guess it was on the failed pics posts I backed out of!

the first I think she said is a singer 185 handcrank (I know it's a singer and handcrank - pretty obvious- but wasn't paying close attention as it wasnt labeled when I saw it. It's not what I'm normally drawn to- I want a handcrank that's all pretty with flowers/roses/blossoms - that kind of look- and that other base- fiddle? - think it's called. some of y'all have these beauties since this is where I saw them and got the fever! but this one had nice decals and I took it out and started sewing with her and it was just instant attraction. plain gold decals werent my thing but I just love her!

the other caught my eye as I walked in the shop - just looks so sleek and blue! Fleetwood JA19 195 TW not sure if that whole thing is the model or not - and happened to see one on ebay as I was searching online for information about these. I wasn't particularly looking for either- I had gone in mainly just to unwind and look around. she had a lot more vintage machines this time- usually featherweights and antique/treadles are her mainstays.

Attached Thumbnails singer-185.jpg   fleetwooda.jpg  

Last edited by quilt938; 05-10-2015 at 12:23 PM.
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