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Old 01-12-2010, 09:41 AM
Oklahoma Lightning
Join Date: Dec 2009
Posts: 49

That is very closes to what I said to some of the big wigs.
Sam was a down home guy and I am sure he turning over in his grave.
The first time I ever meet him, he was standing in line in first of me. He just started visiting with me. He had shot gun shells in his hand.
He ask if I found what I wanted and I said no they sure could use more help back there. No one would help me look for it. I just get it K Mart. I didn't know who he was. When he got to the checker, he told her to call the manger. He made the manger go find what I wanted. My mouth hit the floor.
I meet him a few times after that and he never changed from the counttry guy he was.
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