Old 05-12-2015, 04:32 AM
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Join Date: Oct 2009
Location: Cody, Wyoming
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I love those mug rugs! and the gifts? really? so many in one package. it would feel like Christmas in July for sure! wowsa. Remember while those are stunning packages if you cant send that its ok. Send your mug rug and write a nice note it will be appreciated too. I have to say yesterday I was really surprised when I received a mug rug in the mail for me. Last month Dfelker sent me an icecream cone mug rug and also some beautiful fabrics. This month sewbizgirl sent to me a mug rug that says ... get this drum roll... How does your garden grow? on it. lol I got such a kick out of the fact she found fabric with that saying on it and how PERFECTLY it matched the theme of this month.. it cracked me up. She also sent a sweet book and a bar of delicious smelling soap. Its made with bees wax. my sister makes soaps but with different products so it was so cool to see the similar end results but different products. I am writing her immediately since they got into bee keeping just a year ago. surely they will end up with bees wax in abundance also. The advantage of these soaps is they keep for a long time where as the liquids you buy are gone in a week. also these really are great at exfoliating and also moisturizing your skin so well. its cool to see how creative you women really are. bravo! and thanks to both of you for being so kind to think about me. I love the little mug rugs a lt. these two will go on the wall of fame in the sewing room. don't want to mess them up! HECK NO! lol.
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