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Old 01-12-2010, 09:47 AM
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It is gorgeous. don't fret.

I have a long story that is a real Duhhhhhhhhhh moment.

This past Saturday a few of us were working on an antique quilt that was so wavy there was nothing to do but tie it. It was similar to the Pineapple log cabin. All the centers were way too big for the pieces that were around them, it had been hand pieced so we didn't want to take it apart. It is red and white and had a 3 pieced red and white border that was also way too big for the quilt, no way to square this thing. Now realize we have already sandwiched and tied to the border, when we decided we could take of the red and white border and resize it and sew it back on. When we got it off, we also realized if we cut it off about 6 inches all the way around the then now tied quilt, we could almost square it and it would lie flat. Ok we have already taken off the border and the center is tied. So as all of us sat there with our thumbs up our... . We said ok should we go ahead and cut. Well one friend jumped right in and said she would do it, nothing scared her. So she cut all the way around all 3 layers. When she was done we all sat there admiring how much better it looked and it almost layed flat and thennnnnnnnnnn. One friend spoke up and said how are we going to put the border back on. That was the real duhhhhhhhhhhh moment. We have decided since it is tied, we can fold back the batting and backing add the border then piece the backing and batting for the border to the rest of the quilt and hopefully it will only look like a pieced border. Ok, now the good part this quilt does not belong to any of us. We know the friend that turned it over to us really won't care because it was beyond doing anything with other than keeping it as a top.

So top this. LOL
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