Old 05-20-2015, 06:37 PM
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Originally Posted by grant15clone
I also agree. I know I have not been posting nearly as much lately. Some people have been poo-poo'd on here and are more reluctant to post. I myself have been more reluctant to do so in fear that helping someone might get me banned. I do miss the conversations and seeing the sharing of knowledge that a lot of really great people were doing. I can honestly say that I learned more here than on any other site and met some really great people in the process. I love seeing what people are working on and what they run into as well.
Grant, what do you mean? Nobody ever gets abused on this forum and it's only abuse or advertising that will get you banned. Are you saying you've been the perpetrator of abuse or the victim? I read both in your post.

If you're proven to be a reasonable person you won't be banned (although tell SteveH this ;-) ), or not for long. I was given a slap last year for trying to get someone to own up to something. Both he and I got the same warning.
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