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Old 05-20-2015, 07:24 PM
Senior Member
Join Date: Oct 2010
Posts: 405

So many ideas thanks
when hand embroidering -when threading the needle wet the thread and the eye of the needle. much easier.
post it notes to mark rows and squares in each row
file holder for templates
bobby pins for bookmarks
lint roller for stray threads
paint brush for much can also use paint brush to brush flour off of lefse grill when making lefse
hair barretts that click open and closed for holding binding when hand sewing
for circle templates use round lids, glasses and etc.
metal magnetic dish and telescoping want for picking up dropped pins
Zip lock bags
Use old CD's for reflector on mail box
use a kitchen sponge, soak it in water, put in zip lock bag, freeze and use it in a cooler for an ice pack.
mouse pad - use for a pin cushion I cut mine into smaller pieces and glued 2 or 3 lalyers together.
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