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Old 05-27-2015, 04:14 PM
Junior Member
Join Date: Mar 2014
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Posts: 174
Default Tobacco Odor? + Fabric Dating Question

I recently purchased some gorgeous vintage fabric. I didn't notice an odor with it (not that I go around sniffing fabric, but...) until I went to wash it. I started with a hand wash and the water was filthy, sort of a brown-yellow. The water was still coming up pretty filthy after a couple of soaks. Because of the color of the fabric, I was having a hard time telling whether it was dirt or dye coming off. And I noticed an odor, I can't quite place it. Not really mustiness (I've bought a lot of vintage fabric so I'm used to that) but just like dirt and maybe smoke. The fabric was holding up well in the water so I even put it through a gentle cycle in the washing machine. I used a color catcher and that came out spotless. Still smells, and seems to irritate my throat some. So I need to decide what to try next. I've heard about vinegar but I'm not sure what proportions to use, etc. I just really want to get the fabric to a useable state because I love it! (You can't really tell because of the lighting in the picture but it's black with some nice deep purples and hot pink).

Second question is about it's has a thin layer of felt/flannel along the back as you can see from the picture. It apparently was manufactured like that and was not sewn on. I've never seen that before and I wonder if anyone knows anything about that. The fabric width is 26 inches so that most likely makes it older but I'm just curious. Thanks!

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