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Old 05-29-2015, 04:56 AM
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Join Date: Sep 2011
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Posts: 859

Think about it. Most countries other than the USA have socialized medicine "FREE", but SOMEONE pays, and that is your government, financed by taxes....hardly "free". I have read, on some quilting group, that in many countries higher education is also, "Free", also paid for by your taxes. Retirement.....same thing. The more your government "gives" you, the more it must take from you....simple! In the USA our government will provide medical care, Medicaid, for those who declare themselves indigent and unable to provide for them selves. For the rest, we pay big time, or our employers pay. Before my husband and I turned 65 and got Medicare (old age benefit) we paid $1550 a month for our health insurance, and that didn't cover everything. I "need" fabric to be cheap.....hahahah.

I am USA born and bred, so our system seems "normal" to me, for others, just the opposite. It's a hot topic in the USA, with strong feelings on both sides. I'm 67 and still don't know what side I'm on. What is becoming clear to me is that in other countries the choices of items to buy, at least in the fabric/sewing area, are fewer....fewer machines, fewer fabric choices.

I HOPE I did not offend anyone, I tried to just state the reasons for why things are the way they I said....I don't even know which is "best". It's a very complicated issue and I have only skimmed the surface.....many more facts to consider.

Originally Posted by Knitette View Post
Very little is cheaper here - I'm racking my brains to think of anything! Whisky(Scotch)? Sewing machines tend to have a similar price to the U.S., but you have a far greater selection, particularly in the lower price bracket. Notions are more expensive too. $22-$25 a metre (39") is fairly standard here.
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