Old 06-04-2015, 10:01 AM
Join Date: Oct 2012
Location: San Lorenzo, CA
Posts: 5,361

That would have been great!

Yes, just one. 800 miles a day does not leave much time for shopping. I tried over a dozen times to hit antique shops along the way and they were either not open that day, had closed by 3 or 5 pm, or were not there anymore. After a while we just stopped trying.

Here is my favorite wedding shot (so far). We had several folks taking pictures and videos and we are now in the process of sorting though them and getting them online. I'll share a link once done.

So many stories, but I don't want to abuse the site with too much personal stuff, so that will be elsewhere.
Attached Thumbnails wedding-5-20-15.jpg  
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