Old 06-11-2015, 12:49 PM
Join Date: Aug 2013
Posts: 38

Originally Posted by bearisgray View Post
If/When someone offers you something - do you

1) blindly accept whatever it is and deal with it when you get home

2) ask to look it over and then pick and choose at the time

3) avoid taking/getting donations

4) other

I have gotten a lot more selective about what I bring home - but I have slipped into the first choice at times - and regretted it!
Pretty much #1, with qualifier: I want to see it first. However, if I see enough "good" stuff, I'll take whatever is being offered. I find a willingness to do that generates more generosity and word-of-mouth ("oh, I know someone!) that has resulted in some primo stuff. And I can take stuff to the thrift shop as easily as the giver can! (I always ask if they mind and nobody does - they just want to get rid of it.) If I don't see anything redeemable, or enough redeemable stuff, then I pass completely.

Never #2 or #3.

I recently took a bunch of fabric squares a friend offered (she doesn't quilt, they were from one of her relatives). Turned out to be oooh... hundreds... of squares cut to 1-1/2, 2-1/2, 3-1/2 and 4-1/2 inches, as well as quite a few 4-patch block UFOs. Would I have rather had yardage? Absolutely. But I have lots of miniature quilt patterns and I've already sewn up several miniature quilt tops, and converted the "lonely" 4-patch blocks into mug rugs. But the capper was 2 bags of denim scraps of decent size. Because she's not a quilter, she was going to give it to the thrift shop, but I pounced on it and said thank-you-very-much!

I feel it's worth my time to sort through everything to find what I want to keep, then get rid of the rest. And at some point, I will probably hit my limit on those tiny, tiny squares and they'll go, as well.
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