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Old 06-11-2015, 07:14 PM
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Location: Bobcaygeon,On./ Bonita Springs, Fl
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Here's story -given machine in cabinet from 90 yr old --no manual. Had to get machine unscrewed from cabinet to get at the model & serial #. which are only on bottom . Tried joining Kenmore yahoo group --denied for some reason. Yes, it is high shank , nice looking machine and will sew straight good stitches. Trying to figure out how the 2 dials work and did get an idea about a red dot from one book. Must not have them synchronized correctly yet. Naturally, I cleaned everything and oiled before I tried sewing anything. Such a nice machine that is why I am pursuing the zig zag.

Was to be given as portable to my charity with out the cabinet. The machine had 2 screws going up through the bottom holding it to the board top that then folds down inside the cabinet. In the process of finding that out we also found out that the machine is a free arm.
Machine was open set to sew when I first saw it but now wonder if the delivery men did something as the machine was pushed down part way when delivered. Hubby was careful --not to break anything he said. But he thinks that
big spring underneath that helps lower the machine is not right. Solved bolt problems by lifting machine & cabinet unto it's side across my sewing table so we could see . When machine closes , you lift it , then lift front board and machine goes down inside. Has a piece from right and left that then make it look like a table as others do.
Hope that helps you that are helping me. With many thanks.
Will go look at the posts now.
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