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Old 06-12-2015, 08:38 PM
Junior Member
Join Date: Feb 2013
Location: Calif. Desert
Posts: 239

It is the same machine I have had for years. I have a manual. I could scan it if you still need it.
It is a free arm machine. They attach to the cabinet with two screws. There is a button to press to take off the plate in front to reach the bobbin area. The whole unit slides off to make it a free arm.
To service it completely, you have to remove the bottom to access the oil points.
To make it zig zag you lift up the top cover that covers the cam unit and the bobbin winder and there is a wheel with numbers on it, thumb it to the number of the width you want and it should zig zag. Turn the front knob to cam and the cams do decorative stitches.
I really like my machine even though it is left homing. You need to take the top off to oil the upper part too.
PM me if you still need the manual.

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