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Old 06-13-2015, 03:14 PM
Junior Member
Join Date: Apr 2013
Location: Wisconsin
Posts: 141

Originally Posted by gerideboer View Post
Nobody has mentioned the Lemyone Star ( ha even spell check can't spell it so I don't feel so bad)
I love that ruler. Again No Y seams and they are so beautiful. One of my favorite blocks is the 'Fifty-Four Forty or Fight". It was always so hard for me to make that V block until I got Deb's rulwr for it. LOVE!
I also have the Tucker Trimmer and Wing Clipper II and some of the worksheets. EVERYTHING is wonderful and used. Every block is perfect YEAH!
When I get a ruler home, I turn on the video on her site for that ruler and make it step by step with Deb.
She is a great teacher and so easy to follow. Though I am right handed I appreciate that
Deb gives directions for the Leftys also.
You are going to be so happy you got them.
Geri in Anchorage
So glad to hear your review of the LeMoyne Star. There's a super cute patriotic table runner in the new Fons and Porter Magazine using this tool. Very good photos using Deb's tool and I've been considering purchasing it . . . now I will!!
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