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Old 06-19-2015, 01:08 PM
Senior Member
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Location: Kaua`i
Posts: 616

Don't limit yourself. Challenge yourself to learn something new. Take a class from a LQS or online.

Don't let someone guilt you into making them something for free or a ridiculously low price. I swear "takers" are out there lurking and just waiting to jump on a new quilter who hasn't learned how to say "NO!" yet.

Don't let the quilt police tell you you are doing something incorrectly. There are as many ways to do things as there are quilters but don't limit yourself to one way: try a new technique out to see if you like it. You might be surprised.

Don't trust that the pattern is correct. Make a sample block before you start cutting the fabric needed for the pattern. Wait for a sale and buy a yard or so each of five or six colours/designs. Make your samples from these dedicated fabrics: ultimately you'll have a coordinated sampler quilt. BTW, don't worry about block sizes: sash the blocks to fit or put the blocks together as a "puzzle".

Don't buy the exact amount of fabric called for in a pattern. Buy a bit extra "just in case". Leftovers can go into scrappy quilts.

Don't worry about the time spent reading threads on the QB: it's time well spent!!!!!

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