Old 01-14-2010, 12:42 PM
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Originally Posted by cutebuns
it is the same basically when doing it by hand as well, though easier to see when it is in your hand, especially when dealing with such small seams,
O M G !

What a freak I am.... as soon as I read that phrase everything just clicked into place, thank you!!

I have a hexagon WIP that I've been doing for over a year, it's all handpiecing and I tend to work on it when I want to sew but don't really want to think or concentrate, just handsew. So I've done millions (maybe not quite millions, but definitely lots) of Y seams! I didn't even realise.

And now that you've said that, I can "see" in my mind exactly how it goes. I was having trouble getting my head around it, but now it's crystal clear.

Funny how something that's obvious can be the difference! LOL
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