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Old 07-11-2015, 08:25 PM
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Join Date: Jul 2014
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I saw the Sewing with Nancy tutorial on landscape piecing. That was one of the landscape lessons I was looking at. It doesn't really give enough information about grading the colors. Perhaps that's not even so much a quilt-specific technique. I'm not sure. I know Caryl Bryer Fallart writes about how she creates her drawing in grayscale first to master the tones & then hunts for colors (or dyes her own fabrics) to match those tones. I have zero interest in fabric dying so I guess I would be traveling to a number of quilt shops to find exactly the right tints and shades if I go that route.

Yes, I have heard about the tsukineko inks. What does the shaving cream do, if I may ask? I've never heard of that (is that the "floating medium"?). I like the idea of using inks. It would give me a lot of control without altering the hand of the fabric.

Joe's Mom,
I may have to check out that book. I usually struggle with written instructions but sometimes that's the best way to go. Thanks!
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