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Old 07-19-2015, 03:31 AM
Janice McC
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Join Date: Mar 2013
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More wonderful blocks! Bibliostone, I've never seen the block you made for Billi. Might try that one day soon for myself. Billi, love the gold you used in Terriamn's block. Jaba, beautiful quilts on the ladders! Kassaundra, laughed about your comment about not doing the block you made for Cuppy again. There are a couple of blocks that no matter how many times I make them, they come out looking amateurish, and by that I mean really, really bad. I don't know why so I don't even try anymore! At one time I would have felt the need to "perfect" the blocks, now, heck, life is just too short so I make blocks I enjoy.

I know I haven't been around much this round but you guys are stepping it up with fabulous blocks (have you really seen how terrific they all are???) and for helping each other when a question comes up. I love that you are supportive and positive. I check in often but finding the time to post isn't easy. Thank you for making this move along smoothly without me. Yup, I believe we've got the best group of swappers right here!
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