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Old 07-20-2015, 05:44 AM
Join Date: Jul 2015
Location: Canberra, Australia
Posts: 2

Hi Christy,

I realise this is a fairly old thread now but I have just purchased a 15K110 too, I believe it is from 1960. Mine also has a spoked handwheel but it is completely different to yours - 9 spokes but much heavier than the standard 9 spoke wheel. Mine has a leaf pattern on the faceplate and a celtic knot inspection plate - quite frankly it looks like it was made of leftover parts from the previous 80 years of production! I'm wondering if parts have been swapped off other machines, to be honest.

I bought mine as the head only, apparently it had been in one of those cheaper straight legged rolled steel treadle bases that were allegedly used in schools etc. Mine has a jam in it somewhere as the wheel won't do a complete rotation but I'm planning on trying a regular sized handwheel in it tomorrow to see if that helps.

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