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Old 07-26-2015, 06:06 AM
Senior Member
Join Date: Oct 2011
Posts: 357
Default Need Advice/Input please

I have an opportunity to purchase an old 5 bedroom home that is in the family. I live in an area where the housing market is not strong, so the purchase will be reasonable. I would not be living in it, I would create a business out of it as a Quilt retreat house/weekend rental. The house has a lot of potential as far as enough space goes. I have several months to do my research to see if there is a need in my area for retreat homes and houses for things such as overflow for out of town guests for weddings and funerals. Is there a need for a place where a small group of women can just go and sew for several days at a time? It is located in a small town on the interstate, but not really anything to draw people like a lake or wonderful scenery. What are some things I need to consider? My motive is not to make money, but to keep the house in the family. I would be happy to break even and put sweat equity into the home for resale way down the road. Your input is appreciated.
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