Thread: church window
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Old 08-08-2015, 02:07 PM
Senior Member
Join Date: Jun 2011
Posts: 668
Default church window

Hi. I finished the elephant quilt .... Finally!!!

Now I am in a time crunch to get this window (the large one of 3) finished before Sept 12. Our church is celebrating its 150th anniversary and since we are in a new sanctuary now, I decided to bring something old into the new. This is the one of the windows from our old sanctuary, they actually all look the same except for the bottom pane in the center section of the windows. I am making 3, one large window to be put in our 34th annual mission auction (on Sept 12) and two smaller windows to hang in our new sanctuary for our Oct celebration Sunday.

The first picture is of the window itself, the second is of the process used to transfer the design onto the fabric, the third is the first block I have sewn down minus the leading and the last picture is the block I'm getting ready to start settling down

I always appreciate your words of encouragement and comments on the pictures I post on this forum and a little encouragement and prayer for completion would be really appreciated because this is all being done by hand appliqué. I am not worried about getting the 'glass' finished, but I am concerned about the leading part. I can not use a traditional 1/4" bias strip as they are too wide so I have to modify it down to something smaller.

Thanks you for stopping by to take a look.


Last edited by fatsewcat; 10-05-2022 at 09:01 AM.
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