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Old 08-14-2015, 05:17 PM
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Default Judy's FIRST Mystery Quilt Train

I believe this was the quilt I made from Judy's First Train Ride. Back in 2012. I do not know why I picked these fabrics. But things happen to work out. I have a grandson that will be one on Sept 4. So, obviously, he was not even thought of when I did this quilt. His mommy (my daughter) is planning a party for him. The theme of the party is "Lincoln is a Wild 1." The wild animal fabrics go perfectly with this theme. Now I know who will get this quilt. I wrote a poem and printed it on fabric to use as the label. The poem reads:

Happy Birthday Lincoln, our wonderful grandson
It's hard to believe you are already one.

You have enriched or lives in so many ways
Each time we see you, its a wonderful day.

Your sparkling eyes are like pools of blue,
They make you special. There is only one of you.

Our hearts are filled with an abundance of love
Every day in our prayers, we thank God above.

Your first year has been full of laughter and joy
You are an amazing grandson, a fun little boy.

We look forward to the memories our family will share
As long as we are together, that's all that we care.

This next year will go fast as the last one had done
Then you'll be two and experience more fun.
Attached Thumbnails lincoln-quilt1.jpg  
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