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Old 08-15-2015, 05:04 PM
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Join Date: Jul 2009
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Thanks everyone...miniatures are my favorite quilting genre...

Honchey..remember how much I growled about PPing in the FWS PC quilt?...guess all the growling paid off in the FG quilts.

Jan, in EQ I created a strip of 16 adjoining FG blocks, started with the first goose, added the sky pieces, then the next goose and sky set until the strip was all sewn.

regm..looks like I should've used the tweezers to pick off threads..and to answer your just my clumsy fingers. particular guild "friends" save me their method to my madness is to make a bunch of 4P, 9P, or HST'S then decide what to do with them...I was tired of making HST'S and thought "why not make FG blocks with all those leftovers corner triangle cuts"...once I decided what colors to pair with the blocks the quilt takes on its own personality depending on what's in my scrap bag..the green 4P on point border with the music notes fell together so serendipitously. I was given a long 3" strip of this fabric and it matched so well..My 12 yo GD picked out the purple colorway for the one FG..

cjsews...yes I've been following the itty bitty thread..Honchey been trying to get me started on it...thanks for the invite...

Kalamaquilts..I found the hanger in a thrift shop for 50 cents...couldn't pass it up

Thanks all
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