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Old 01-15-2010, 09:20 PM
Junior Member
Join Date: Nov 2009
Location: Fargo, North Dakota
Posts: 286

Originally Posted by Pam G
Well here goes ...

I ventured into the sewing room to take BEFORE photos. New at this on-line stuff so hope I got these uploaded to Flickr correctly.

It's amazing that the photos look so much worse than I thought the room looked. Hopefully tomorrow I will feel up to be moving a bit more to start cleaning-up.

Yesterday I catalogued all 342 of my magazines. Today I started on the books, I'm at 103 from the two bottom shelves, three more shelves to go. Then I'm going to make a list of all my embroidery threads. :thumbup:

I might actually get organized before I go back to work on Feb 1st, but how do you keep it organized when sewing?? :?:
I so want to be like Eleanor Burns and throw stuff over my shoulder and have someone else clean it up.
Pam would I love to have the shelves you have for your fabric. We'll have to discuss our sewing areas on Sunday. Hope you can still make it.
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