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Old 08-23-2015, 07:41 AM
Super Member
Join Date: Aug 2012
Location: South Lyon, MI
Posts: 2,758

Hello ladies
Back from Wisconsin. Mark my brother in law passed away on Wednesday. His parents, siblings and children (adult) where all around him. Thursday was a dinner in his honor to celebrate his life. It was very nice. Sad but when someone is so sick for so long know it is a blessing for him not to suffer.

Thanks to EVERYONE for the kind words. You ALL mean so much to me. I tell people all the time about how caring a group of women we have here. I say "I have never breathed the same air with these women but I feel their love, thoughts and prayers. I am So LUCKY to have this group in my life! Hey and I think you are saving me from having to see a more $$$$ for quilting!

A couple of notes.....

WMUTeach...thanks for sharing Jan's story. How wonderful for you to have all of her fabric and memories ...keep on creating!

Michellesews...I will keep you and your husband in my prayers. Stay strong and love each other EVERYDAY.

Trishb (and everyone else who has been a caregiver) (wait we are women we are CAREGIVERS!) I read somewhere " Caregivers are angels here on earth. Just know you have already earned your wings.

Daisy Dew....welcome back I was wondering were you went off to. I hope DH is on the mend and I'm glad the "fog is lifting" I know sometimes that is really hard to just do the "everyday things". I like the "quilt as you go" for travelinggramma know deep down we all want to be travelinggramma. (I know I do)

Travelinggramma.....Longview WA is Kele
also no problem on keeping it open till you get home. Should have known you would be out traveling on your birthday.
Have fun...let us know when you get back.

With that being said....can it really happen????? all of the squares in the hand of the birthday girl on her birthday???? Well we have 8 birthday packages out still. I know that some are on their way........wowsa maybe it will be true!!!!
Hope so!

I will post the SEPTEMBER birthdays. right now.

thanks everyone

Last edited by barbarakibler23; 08-23-2015 at 07:44 AM.
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