Thread: Suggestions
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Old 08-25-2015, 01:22 PM
Super Member
Join Date: Dec 2010
Location: Chula Vista CA
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I have a couple things going - 1.) 1" Hexies, love to make the flowers. I am have the card board pieces that I glue them on and then stitch them together since they are so small. (I did a larger one that I just drew the lines on the hexies and then sewed them together in the flower.) 2.) Making tumbling blocks with the plastic pieces from Brandy's. It will be an I Spy quilt when it is done. 3.) I have a pre-printed hand embroidery kit for an Alphabet quilt. and 4.) I have 2 inch shares I intend to sew into a heart quilt. I have a lot of pieces cut, but nothing sewed together so it does not travel with me yet.

All of these items are ready to go at a moments notice because I need something to do with my hands. One time we went to Vegas for a few days, we had a lot planned so didn't think I would need to take anything - thus the reason I have the alphabet embroidery quilt kit. My husband asked who was going to get it - told him, who ever needed it once it was finished.

Oh, and I also have a crochet item to take. Luckily my youngest daughter loves long scarves, so I make a couple a year for her when I don't have enough light available to sew.
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